Monday, November 15, 2010

fall 2010

claudia was a peanut for halloween

they had some fall activities at the zoo, she wasn't too sure of the pumpkins at first

watching the bengals one afternoon

random pictures

riding the carousel at the zoo

loves to get in the dog cages, this one is barkley's cage

standing tall on her slide

here she is at one year with the stuffed dog

here is claudia sitting her her toy bin

loves to see the manatees at the zoo

staring out the window

loves to play with our phones and even has the blackberry thumbs

over due birthday pictures

long over due pictures from august, below is claudia enjoying her cake.

we have lots of friends who are all within 2 months of her age so we hang out often with (L-R) daphne, gwenyth and will. we also celebrated all three of their birthdays this summer.

despite liking cake, she was quite a bit more skeptical of icecream, but learned it is to be well liked as well.